
Wisdom – Tempered Fury Dragon – White 11oz Ceramic Mug


This mug design features a stunningly detailed image of an oriental dragon in classic tattoo style. Its scales glint in the light, while its and coiling tail bring to mind a creature of both grace and fury. The dragon is surrounded by swirling torques flames, adding to the sense of danger and power.

Around the dragon, in bold black letters, are the words “Wisdom Tempered Fury.” This phrase neatly captures the essence of the dragon as a symbol in Eastern mythology. Dragons are known for being wise and powerful, capable of both creating and destroying. However, they are also said to be capable of tempering their spirits with reason and logic, rather than letting their fury control them.

This mug is perfect for anyone who loves dragons and wants to show off their appreciation for these mythical beasts. It’s also a great way to remind yourself to stay grounded and level-headed, even in the face of challenges or adversity. The combination of stunning art and a powerful message make this mug design a must-have for anyone with a love for dragons and Eastern mythology.

More similar mug can be found here at www.dressart3d.com.

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This mug design features a stunningly detailed image of an oriental dragon in classic tattoo style. Its scales glint in the light, while its and coiling tail bring to mind a creature of both grace and fury. The dragon is surrounded by swirling torques flames, adding to the sense of danger and power.

Around the dragon, in bold black letters, are the words "Wisdom Tempered Fury." This phrase neatly captures the essence of the dragon as a symbol in Eastern mythology. Dragons are known for being wise and powerful, capable of both creating and destroying. However, they are also said to be capable of tempering their spirits with reason and logic, rather than letting their fury control them.

This mug is perfect for anyone who loves dragons and wants to show off their appreciation for these mythical beasts. It's also a great way to remind yourself to stay grounded and level-headed, even in the face of challenges or adversity. The combination of stunning art and a powerful message make this mug design a must-have for anyone with a love for dragons and Eastern mythology.


More similar mug can be found here at www.dressart3d.com.


This beautiful ceramic mug is perfect for any event of the day. Your morning coffee, a hot chocolate, or any other hot beverage you enjoy. The mug is glossy white and the prints come out beautifully and vividly on it. The print retains its quality and luster when used in both microwaves and the dishwasher.

- Ceramic 11oz mug

- Dishwasher and microwave safe

- Product safety tests conducted by independent third party laboratories.

Additional information

Weight 0.346 kg


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