
Adeputs Custodes Vertus Praetors Pro-Painted – Custom Base


Dive into the thrilling universe of Warhammer 40k with our set of 3 Adeptus Custodes Vertus Praetors miniatures. Each figure is a masterpiece, painstakingly hand-painted in a vibrant, classic oramite gold with red details by the esteemed artist Ronin074. The use of both brush and airbrush techniques brings out the rich colors and intricate details, making these miniatures a striking addition to any Imperial army on the battlefield .

What sets these miniatures apart is their unique custom 3D printed Bloodletter kill base. Each base is thoughtfully 3D designed and printed to augment the overall aesthetic of the miniature, adding an extra dimension of realism to your gaming experience.

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Dive into the thrilling universe of Warhammer 40k with our set of 3 Adeptus Custodes Vertus Praetors miniatures. Each figure is a masterpiece, painstakingly hand-painted in a vibrant, classic oramite gold with red details by the esteemed artist Ronin074. The use of both brush and airbrush techniques brings out the rich colors and intricate details, making these miniatures a striking addition to any Imperial army on the battlefield .

What sets these miniatures apart is their unique custom 3D printed Bloodletter kill base. Each base is thoughtfully 3D designed and printed to augment the overall aesthetic of the miniature, adding an extra dimension of realism to your gaming experience.

Recognizing the intensity of battlefield handling, each miniature is clear coated for protection. This ensures that the stunning details and colors of your miniatures remain unscathed and vibrant, battle after battle.

The Adeptus Custodes, painted in their iconic oramite gold, are known for their loyalty and might, making them excellent allies for any Imperial army. Enhance your Warhammer 40k encounters with our professionally painted Adeptus Custodes Vertus Praetors miniatures for sale here at www.dressart3d,com. 

Pro painted,  unique, one time only.  Each miniature comes with a unique;

Custom-made 3D 8K Resin Printed
Bloodletter Killed base
- Artist: ronin074
- 53 hrs of 3d modelling and paint work in total to complete.
- The figure stands around 10cm tall.
- Number of parts: 15 each model
- Clear Coated and pinned for maximum paint protection during gaming.
Commission are open if you need any kind of miniature or figure painted, click the link Painting, video and design commissions are now open. (dressart3d.com)


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