
My 3d Models Designs


by Ronin074

I am new to 3d models.  I started in 2019 after I was challenged to design and produce a particular architectural model deriving from the Lord of the Rings movie.  After countless doubts and research, I came to know the Blender software and from then onwards I did not look back.

Below you will find another branch art that all the above evolved in, 3d modelling.   I love designing my own 3d models of anything that comes to my mind.   From kitbash sets, to animations, to merch renders.  I hope you will enjoy this gallery which nearly all 3d models are for sale.  Don’t forget to like, and subscribe to my newsletter or social channels to be the first to know when I will post new models.

If you want to be amongst the first to know when I post new 3d models, miniature or other designs, pleased subscribe to my newsletter by using the appropiate form at the bottom of this page.  You can also like or subscribe to my social channels.

If you wish to contact me directly there is an appropiate form at the bottom of this page as well.  I will do my best to reply in the shortest time possible.

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3d Models

3d Models

3d models

3d models

3d Models

3d Models

3d models

3d models

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